Kauden viimeisessä off-season haastattelussa päästään tutustumaan Johan Kennedyyn. Kennedy saapui osaksi Royalsia tammikuussa armeijan jälkeen ja on osoittanut olevansa hyvä lisä hyökkäyksen linjaan. Kennedy on tähänastisella urallaan pelannut Yhdysvalloissa Santa Monica Collegessa High Schoolin jälkeen, mutta jäi armeijan jälkeen Suomeen ja Royalsien riveihin. Kennedyllä on sekä Suomen että Yhdysvaltojen passit, joten hän ei täytä Royalien kolmannen amerikkalaispelaajan paikkaa, mutta tuo lisää Yhdysvaltalaiskokemusta seuraan. Kennedyllä kuljee jenkkifutis veressä, sillä aikanaan reilu 20 vuotta sitten hänen isänsä saapui Suomeen valmentamaan jenkkifutista ja tämän seurauksena tapasi Johanin äidin. Alla monipuolisen linjamiehen ajatuksia Royalsiin saapumisesta ja tulevasta kaudesta.
Welcome to Royals, Johan. How does it feel to be part of Royals Family?
It feels great to be part of the Royal’s family.
You got back from military service in December. Has it been easy to get back to football field after military service?
It’s been an adjustment getting back to civil life, but being back on the field has been amazing.
Your father came to Finland to coach about 20 years back and your mother is Finnish but you have lived in U.S. What are your thoughts about Finland and do you feel U.S. or Finland as your home?
It’s been an interesting experience growing up American/Finnish. Now I feel as if both the U.S and Finland are my home.
You have been playing both DL and OL in high school. How would you describe yourself as a player?
DL and OL have taught me to be a very explosive player, I am a very versatile player and I can play any position on the OL & DL.
What are your expectations for the coming season?
My expectations for this season are very high, I think we have a great team and coaching staff and we could make a great run the playoffs.
What kind of greetings do you want to send to Royals fans?
I can’t wait to see and hear all Royals fans at the games. I hope everyone is ready for an exciting season.
What are your choices for pizza toppings?
My favorite pizza toppings are jalapeño, kebab, pepperoni, and pineapple.